Exploring TipKit Framework

Exploring TipKit Framework


3 min read

TipKit Framework! 💡

One of the exciting announcements from WWDC2023 is the TipKit Framework, and now it is easier to add tooltips for users. I have not tried other 3rd party libraries out there, so I cannot compare some of them here.

If you haven't watched the WWDC23 Session, check it out here:

Make features discoverable with TipKit

TipKit is now available on Xcode 15


My thoughts and personal exploration of the TipKit Framework.

Tips Configuration

// Configure and load your tips at app launch.
.task {
    try? Tips.configure(

Creating a Tip View

Conform to Tip Protocol

This will require to add title

while message and asset are optionals.

// Define your tip's content.
struct HomeTip: Tip {
    var title: Text {
        Text("The title here")

    var message: Text? {
        Text("Some Message here")

    var asset: Image? {
        Image(systemName: "star")


TipView as Popover and Inline View

There are two ways to present the Tip

  • Popover

  • In-line (with other Views)


as the name suggests, it pops over and shows an arrow pointing to where you applied the modifier popoverTip() .

Here, I applied the modifier to the Button labeled "Popover Tip"

let homeTip = HomeTip()
@State private var showPopoverTip: Bool = false

var body: some View {
    Button {
       showPopoverTip = true
    } label: {
       Text("Popover Tip")


this stacks with other views

let homeTip = HomeTip()

var body: some View {
    VStack {


We can also show an arrow with SwiftUI.Edge for TipView()

Apple Documentation - Edge

//Edge has these cases
case top
case bottom
case leading
case trailing

so we can set it like this

TipView(tip, arrowEdge: .leading)

Adding ViewModifiers to TipView

Adding.backgroundColor does not change the TipView color but the container that contains the TipView or beneath it.

We could also add a Shape background.

     .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0).fill(Color.red))

ViewModifier .frame()


The width can be adjusted to an extent, so as height but not less than the content can show, adjusting these sizes can break the view, so better to use the sizes the way it should be presented.

ViewModifier .padding


padding vertically, and horizontally works

ViewModifier .overlay


we can also add like this

  .overlay(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
     Image(systemName: "car")

of course, when we dismiss the Tipview, the overlay disappears as expected

ViewModifier .accessibilityLabel

TipView can be attached with

  .accessibilityLabel(Text("Home Tip"))

Some Limitations

Inside the Tip View

seems like we can’t attach a ViewModifier for the Image()

var asset: Image {
    Image(systemName: "star")


When it comes to showing the Tips UX/UI design-wise, I'll leave it to your exploration.

Other References

TipKit - iOS 17 - SwiftUI - WWDC 2023 by Kavsoft

TipKit - Apple Developer Documentation

Sample Project
